UFO Attacks
Attacks by UFOs sounds something like science fiction, but has it actually occurred in reality?
In 1977, numerous UFOs were reported in the Brazilian city of Colares, Pará. Local residents claimed that scars on their bodies were caused by the lights in the sky, and named the lights “Chupa Chupa” (literally Sucker-Sucker). Believing it would keep the lights away, residents of Colares organized night vigils, lit fires, and ignited fireworks.
Bright objects of differing shapes, sizes and colours were said to have been flying at low altitudes – just a few metres above the tops of trees – and firing light beams at people on the ground below.
The beams gave off intense beams of radiation that caused puncture marks and lesions, with some reporting to local media at the time that it felt like a “heavy weight pushed against their chest”.
A report into the claims made by the victims stated: “The beam was about seven or eight centimetres in diameter and white in colour.
“It never hunted for them but hit them suddenly. When they tried to scream no sound would come out, but their eyes remained open.
“The beam felt hot, almost as hot as a cigarette burn.”
Describing the injuries, Doctor Wellaide Cecim Carvalho – who worked in a health care unit in the area during the 1970s – wrote: “All of them had suffered lesions to the face or the thoracic area. The lesions, looking like radiation injuries, began with intense reddening of the skin in the affected area. Later the hair would fall out and the skin would turn black. There was no pain, only a slight warmth.”
“One also noticed small puncture marks in the skin. The victims were men and women of varying ages, without any pattern.”
Several witnesses claimed to have seen beings piloting the crafts, describing them as no more than three to four feet tall.
According to ufologist Jacques Vallée, a number of individuals were reportedly killed as a result of the “lights” fired upon them by the UFOs, and injuries were consistent with radiation effects from microwaves. Other ufologists claimed that the lights from UFOs sucked blood from 400 people.
Mayor José Ildone Favacho Soeiro requested help from the Air Force.

Below: Witness sketches

An operation called “Operation Plate” was initiated commanded by Captain Uyrangê Bolivar Soares Nogueira de Hollanda Lima.
A 2,000-page military report was soon compiled, featuring 500 photographs and 16 hours of film that the FAB reportedly witnessed with their own eyes.
Ufologist Daniel Rebisso Giese claimed in his book Vampiros Extraterrestres Na Amazonia (Extraterrestrial Vampires of the Amazon) that several military personnel suffered nervous breakdowns, while others went completely insane during the course of the investigation.
The documents were kept classified until several pages were released in 2004, showing drawings and photographs of what the military saw.
Bright, cylindrical lights feature in the photographs, while several drawings show similarly-shaped objects witnessed by people on the island at the time.
Despite this, the operation never explicitly stated that UFOs or aliens were the official cause of the sightings and injuries.
However, high-ranking officials from FAB reportedly told a group of ufologists in 2004 that they had discreetly been studying the existence of UFOs since the mid-1950s.

From Brazilian newspaper O Liberal for February 7, 2005:
“One of the most interesting reports came from Claudomira Paixao of Baia do Sul. ‘On the night of October 18, 1977,’ Claudomira “woke up when a strange light appeared through the house’s window. The air got warmer. At first, the light was green. It touched my head and covered my face. I woke up completely, and the light became red. I could see a creature, like a man, wearing something like a diver’s clothes. It held a device like a pistol. It aimed at me, and the (pistol-like) object blinked three times as if shooting at my breast, almost landing at the same place. It was hot and hurt me. I felt like some needles were piercing me. I think they collected my blood. I was terrified. I couldn’t even move my lips. I was shocked.’”
“Also in Baia do Sul, witnesses ‘were talking about the appearance of a space couple that shot at a woman with a light-beam pistol, leaving her fainted for several minutes.“
“Capt. Hollanda recalled, ‘We always told them, ‘Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!’ But once, a strange light had been aimed at a carpenter. The man was 50 or 60 years old. He took his rifle and shot at the flying saucer. The light surrounded him, and he fell to the ground, almost paralyzed. For 15 days, the carpenter could barely move. On the first day, that man didn’t move at all. He could see, hear and speak. But it was very difficult for him to move.’“
“A Colares fisherman also saw UFOs coming in and out of the waters of Baia de Marajo (bay). Sometimes they could see the bluish light moving under the water.”
“Once I was sleeping when the sergeants–members of the (FAB) operation–told me they had just taken a photograph of a flying saucer diving into the water close to a fishing boat. I went to the dock and waited for the fisherman. When he came back, he told me what had happened. He was terrified,” the captain said.
“Several weeks later, I saw a light close to a fishing boat. It was blue and circled the boat, covering about 300 meters (1,000 feet). Then it dived into the water. There wasn’t any sound. It was like a blade passing through the water,’ Capt. Hollanda said.”
In early 1978 Capt Hollanda was to have his own encounter with one of the Beings, who reportedly grabbed him from behind.

Following his interview with Revista UFO in 1997, Capt. Hollanda was found hanged with his own bathrobe belt on the second floor of his house by his daughter.
1. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/operation-saucer-official-search-ufos
2. O Liberal (Brazilian Newspaper) February 7, 2005.
Below is an outstanding 3 part documentary by Red Panda Koala on the case :
Peru 2023
Terrified villagers in a rural district of Alto Nanay, north-east of Lima, Peru, claim they are under attack by 7ft tall armoured aliens that bear a striking resemblance to the Green Goblin from Spider-Man. According to the locals, these extraterrestrial beings have large heads and yellowish eyes, and they have been launching nightly attacks on the community since 11 July.
One alarming incident involved a 15-year-old girl who was reportedly grabbed from behind and had her neck cut when she resisted. The community members are living in fear, unable to sleep peacefully due to the constant threat.
The allegations have been made by members of the Ikitu indigenous people, who have described the aliens as being immune to their hunting weapons. The villagers are now urging the Peruvian military to intervene and protect them from these interstellar intruders. They claim that the aliens wear protective armour and have unique floating abilities, using round-shaped shoes with a red light on the heel.
Community leader Jairo Reátegui Ávila stated, “These gentlemen are aliens. They appear to be armoured like the Green Goblin from Spider-Man. I shot one of them twice and he wasn’t injured; he rose and disappeared. We’re very frightened about what’s happening here in our community.”
The villagers have taken matters into their own hands by conducting night patrols to hunt down the alien attackers. They have requested military presence from the authorities, but reaching the remote community from Iquitos City requires a challenging 10-hour river trip.
Some villagers have likened the aliens to “pelacaras,” strange beings believed to feast on human fat and organs.
Authorities have visited the area and toured the village perimeter, including the location of the alleged attack on the teenager. However, it is unclear if any evidence was found to support the villagers’ claims or if the government plans to deploy military personnel to the area for an extended period.
The Ikitu community, according to a 2017 national census, comprises approximately 1,350 people. The situation remains tense as the villagers seek protection and answers amid the unexplained attacks by these mysterious and seemingly impervious aliens.
Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/peruvian-villagers-report-attacks-by-7ft-armoured-aliens-resembling-green-goblin-from-spider-man/ar-AA1eUJfj
The Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands consists of six major islands and over 900 smaller islands, islets, and atolls, and is located in Oceania to the east of Papua New Guinea.
One old legend of the Solomon Islands is that of a flying reptilian beast ominously known as the “Dragon Snake,” said to be somewhat like a stingray in shape, with greenish-brown skin, a long tail with flukes red eyes sometimes described as glowing.
Ex- former RAAF engineer by the name of Marius Boirayon, bought a house in Cape Esperance and quickly became familiar with the local lore and legends. One of these being the stories of the Dragon Snake, which he heard from a local named Joseph, and which he first dismissed as myth until the night he saw one for himself shortly after moving in. In an article for Nexus Magazine, he would say of this experience:

I had become quite an enthusiastic fisherman with my fishing rod, and had been pulling scores of beautiful reef fish. Joseph was renowned by all in the village as being the best spear fisherman. One time he decided to do some night spear fishing, as it was easy to do at night by torchlight. So I decided that while Joseph was spear fishing, I would throw some lines in and see what kind of fish I caught. I was cleaning fish with Ci-Ci, another good friend of mine, when Joseph came out of the water with his dugout canoe full of fish to add to our already large pile. While we were inspecting his catch, Joseph suddenly shouted for our attention: “There! There! There! The Dragon Snake! The Dragon Snake!” He was pointing to the right, down the beach. As I looked down the beach, I couldn’t believe what I saw. About a kilometer away there was a very bright, luminous, white object flying slowly over the water.
I remember asking myself whether I was really seeing it. I called out for my wife Miriam to bring my binoculars. After focusing in on the star like, brilliantly lit object, I noticed that it was about 60-foot round and seemed to make no noise. We watched it for a couple of minutes until it submerged itself into the sea. Joseph told me to wait about 10 minutes and I’d see it come back out again—which it did! When it came back out of the water, it was glowing twice as brightly as when it went in. We continued to watch it with my binoculars as it returned to the coast in the direction whence it had come and until it disappeared out of sight over the top of the coconut trees. Somewhat startled by this experience, we went back into the house and sat talking about this “Dragon Snake” until the early hours of the morning. They told me that if you didn’t see it one night, you were quite likely to see it the next. They were right. In fact, over a seven-month period, I lost count of these sightings when they reached the 60 mark.
While we sat talking about this object, I explained the structure of the Universe to Joseph. I showed them my copy of a Time–Life book called The Universe, with its space-type pictures, and said that these so-called “Dragon Snakes” are what white men call “Unidentified Flying Objects”. They were absolutely amazed, as they had spent their whole life fearing this thing with superstition and having no real understanding of it. Yet, for that matter, I was also a little fearful. This first sighting had completely changed my mind about the existence of extraterrestrials, and a little investigation revealed that this so-called Dragon Snake had been in the area for well over a century. I realistically began thinking in terms of extraterrestrials inhabiting our planet.
My extensive investigation into the presence of extraterrestrials on Guadalcanal and Malaita has revealed that these supposedly “hidden to the eye” aliens have displayed unacceptable and unfriendly behaviour towards the Guadalcanal and Malaita people; indeed, there have been several outright abductions and murders. Because of this, they can’t be considered friendly. For example, the grandfather of a good friend of mine was incinerated by one of these UFOs around the early 1900s. Several independent sources have verified this. Countless horrific stories can be heard throughout these islands. I made my way to the two chiefs and respectfully introduced myself. As we were talking, I brought up the topic of the Dragon Snake. My suspicions were right: the chiefs knew a lot about it. One of the chief’s brothers had been killed by it when he was only a little boy. They told me several stories of deaths and abductions, all of which confirmed to me that these UFOs are definitely not friendly. They may be friendly in other places in the world, but certainly not here.
Following some enquiries as to where the fisherman was, we arrived at his bedside. He was covered in bandages from head to toe and was in a great deal of pain, but doped up with pethidine. Joseph began to speak with him in the Guadalcanal language to try to find out exactly what had happened to him. He had been out fishing in his fibreglass boat at about 3.00 am, when he saw the Dragon Snake flying along. In foolishness, he started flashing his torch at it. That was when it flew over to him in an instant and hovered overhead. Panicking, he started the motor and took off to get away from the Dragon Snake, but it followed him as he “zigzagged” his way back to shore. It was during this short pursuit to the beach that it fired some form of light at him but it only partially hit him. A later inspection of his 19-foot fibreglass boat showed traces of scorching upon some of the boat’s interior paint. He said that when he drove his boat up the beach and ran into the bush, the Dragon Snake followed him to where he was hiding behind a tree and hovered above. When he moved around to the other side of the tree, it also went around to the other side. It was then that he literally got down on his knees and began to pray to God with his hands clasped in front of him. With that, the Dragon Snake moved on. After that, he stumbled his way back to his village and was taken to hospital.
I had initially only gone to the Solomons to enjoy an early, youthful retirement and certainly had not expected to be chasing UFOs. But as a former military man, I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that this UFO was continually coming and going near ships that had been involved in a great battle where thousands of men had lost their lives in the cause of freedom. It seemed as if this UFO was robbing graves. This weighed heavily on my mind for weeks. One night, though, while I was sitting fishing, my indecision changed. I had been watching the UFO submerge into the sea near the wreck of the USS Chicago and then surface again shining more brightly. I had my binoculars fixed well on it when I saw the lights of a ship that was travelling toward my direction. From the trigonometric perspective, the UFO couldn’t see the ship because of the point that was shielding its view. However, I had both the UFO and the ship in my field of view. After about 30 seconds, when the UFO did see the ship it instantly vanished. The UFO didn’t seem to go anywhere; it simply vanished as if it had turned off its lights.
I took my binoculars from my eyes. I was not sure if the craft had instantly accelerated or had somehow cloaked itself. Yet it seemed that the UFO didn’t mind the indigenous people seeing it, but it did mind when someone saw it who would possibly know of its real identity. My subsequent investigation into the UFO’s ability to cloak itself revealed that this characteristic was commonly known by all within the area and had become part of the superstition about the Dragon Snake. There are just too many stories about the Dragon Snake’s sudden “disappearance” to discuss here.
There is a 50-meter-diameter, bottomless circular reef in amongst the surrounding 10-meter-deep coral reef a few miles north of Kwoi Island (which is on the border of the Kwaio and Kwara’ae tribes) and south of Namo’ere’ere in central east Malaita. Singalanggu Harbour is slightly further south. UFOs can be seen going in and out of that reef virtually every night. My friends like fishing down this UFO hole during the daytime because it saves them from having to go out into the danger of the ocean and because there’s a plentiful supply of big ocean-type fish that can be caught in its depths. They have let down over 200 meters of 100-pound line and still haven’t been able to hit the bottom. I always think of this hole as having been made by a huge spaceship that hovered above it and shot a big laser into the crust of the Earth, for whatever reason! On mainland Malaita, about three to four miles directly inland from that circular reef entrance is a lake that has two connected entrances/exits. When the boys are out fishing at night, they see the UFOs going in one entrance and coming out the other. A UFO coming out of this lake at dusk incinerated my good friend’s grandfather, and everyone in the area knows about it. The aliens have instilled fear in these people for generations, and many people have gone missing.
In the Kwaio and Kwara’re areas, there are three entrances in their jungle mountains that I know of where these “ball of light”–type UFO vehicles can be seen entering and exiting. It is my belief that these entrances are not individual bases but are all connected, making up one big UFO base under the island. I may be wrong, but I also believe that one of the many reasons why they are there is that, for reasons of their own, they are mining a very rare type of gemstone under this kimberlitic rock volcanic island. The gemstones which my wife’s relatives possess have a far higher specific gravity than that of diamonds, and a refractive index such that when you put the stone in light you see your mirror image in the centre of the stone.
Source: https://mysteriousuniverse