Missing People, Strange Circumstances
According to NamUs (National Missing and Unidentified Persons System), more than 600,000 persons go missing in the United States every year. Anywhere between 89 percent to 92 percent of those missing people are recovered every year, either alive or deceased.
In the UK 176,000 people are reported missing to the police every year. As of 31st March 2019, there was nearly 5,000 long term missing individuals in the UK. These are people who go missing for over a year.
As you can imagine the global figure must be anyone’s guess.
There can be many reasons why people disappear:
- To escape domestic abuse.
- Becoming the victim of kidnapping.
- Suicide in a remote location or under an assumed name (generally to spare their families the suicide at home or to allow their deaths to be eventually declared in absentia).
- Victim of murder (body disguised, destroyed, or hidden).
- Mental illness or other ailments such as Alzheimer’s Disease can cause people to forget where or who they are.
- Death by floods, flash floods, debris flows, hurricanes, tsunamis and tornadoes.
- Death in the water, with no body recovered.

In 2011, David Paulides, founder of the North America Bigfoot Search, launched a database of wildland disappearances that occurred under “mysterious circumstances”. From his research, there are at least 1,600 people, give or take, currently missing in the wild somewhere in the United States.
Most people, disappear in the late afternoon and during or just before severe weather. Bodies are often found in previously searched areas, and often without clothing or footwear, even when hypothermia has been ruled out. (During the last stages of hypothermia, people often feel hot and remove their clothing.) Children are sometimes found at improbably far distances from where they went missing. David noticed one odd similarity in these cases is that there is no odour present for sniffer dogs to follow. Sometimes people’s clothing is found in an area that has already been searched before. Here are some examples:
Casey Hathaway
In January 2019, a 3-year-old boy named Casey Hathaway disappeared near his great-grandmother’s home in rural North Carolina. Temperatures dropped below freezing and rain blew sideways. Three days later, the boy was found alive, entangled in briars a quarter of a mile from where he went missing. “How does a child travel 4,000 feet in elevation in his bare feet in two days?” Researcher Tony Barba asks. It would have been an unnecessarily difficult location for an adult kidnapper to carry him. It also doesn’t line up with a bear or cougar attack pattern, because the clothes would have been ripped and covered in blood.
Dr James McGrogan
On Friday March 14, 2014, a group of friends set out for a hike at approximately 8:30 AM in the morning in the rugged wilderness north of the town of Vail, Colorado. Among them was a 39-year-old emergency room doctor from Indiana by the name of Dr. James McGrogan, who was here visiting on a wilderness vacation along with some other physicians. Their target was a place called Camp Hale, which is a collection of huts tucked away deep in the mountains to serve as temporary shelters for hikers or campers in the deep wilderness. Originally built in the 1940s as the home of the 10th Mountain Division and a mountain warfare training area, in later years the huts themselves have become a popular target for hikers and backpackers in the summer, and backcountry skiers in the winter. This trip started off as a fun adventure, but by the end it would turn into a bizarre unsolved mystery that is still surrounded by spooky mysteries to this day.
The group set off on their hike up towards a hut called the Eiseman Hut, which sits perched upon a steep ridge and is a prized location due to the breathtaking view of the Rocky Mountains it commands. Although only 4 miles from the group’s starting point and right near US Interstate 70, the hike itself was up a meandering 9-mile trail through steep and treacherous wooded terrain, and the hut is not considered easy to reach, one of the reasons it is such a popular target for hikers. Although it was to be a challenging hike, McGrogan and company were experienced with the outdoors and well prepared. McGrogan himself carried with him a cell phone, basic medical supplies, a sleeping bag, avalanche beacon, GPS, warm clothing, and plenty of food and water, and since the weather was clear at the time they seemed prepared for anything.
The group departed and had no problems at first, with everything going smoothly and according to plan. At approximately 10 AM, the group was around 5 miles from their destination and stopped to take a rest, and shortly after that McGrogan said he was going to check it out ahead a bit and that he would meet up with them down the trail. Not long after McGrogan was out of sight, the rest of the group continued on, but they didn’t see him anywhere and upon reaching the hut there was still no sign of him. The group called his name but there was no response, and after a search of the area they could see no sign of McGrogan, who had been wearing a bright jacket. After spending the rest of the day searching for McGrogan and finding no trace of him, they contacted the Eagle Valley Sheriff’s Department to report him missing
A search was mounted and the area exhaustively combed for five days by parties on foot, snowmobile and in helicopters, but no sign was found of the missing doctor and they were forced to call the search off when the winds became too dangerous. In the meantime, McGrogan’s companions were baffled as to how the man could have vanished so completely and so quickly, as he had only been out of sight for a few minutes at most and there had been no cries for help. Indeed, one of the members of the group would tell authorities that the group had actually been pretty close to him the whole time and that he wasn’t sure how McGrogan could have gotten separated from them and the trail, which was well-delineated.
For two weeks after the search officially ended it seemed as if the doctor had just stepped off the face of the earth, and then two backcountry skiers happened to stumble across McGrogan’s body lying face down on an ice fall four and a half miles from the trail he had been on, oddly in an area that had been searched multiple times. An autopsy would be performed and the official cause of death would be reported as trauma caused by a fall, but while the question of whether he was still alive or not was now answered there were still many other questions swirling about.
For one, there was an odd, under-reported detail about the body that seems remarkably odd, and that is that when McGrogan’s body was found he was missing his shoes. In fact, even after an intense search his shoes have never been found. Why would he take them off in such cold, snowy weather and where did they go? Adding to this puzzle was the location of the body, over four miles from the trail. Did he get lost? Why would he have left the trail to end up all the way out there to fall to begin with, and why would he take off his shoes to do it? Considering the rocky terrain would it even be possible to traverse it in such freezing weather and through snow drifts without footwear? It is all rather odd.

There is also the fact that he had an operational cell phone and GPS system, which was found on the body and still in working order, so it seems strange that he should get lost. Also, how did he manage to evade what were reportedly numerous searches of the very area where the body was found? It could be that the sheer ruggedness allowed him to remain hidden after a fall, but that he was there to begin with is weird. Topping it all off is that this all happened practically right under the noses of the people he had been with, and not once had he called out for help or contacted them by cell phone, and he also had not responded to calls to him. Why should this be?
Jaryd Atadero
In 1999, Jaryd Atadero was living with his sister and father, Allen, at the resort, Jaryd’s dad worked at in the Comanche Wilderness (which is a national park in Colorado). A Christian Singles group was staying at the resort, and one of the women in the group offered to take Allen’s kids with them for a few hours to a local fish hatchery. They never asked Allen if they could take the children hiking as well, but they saw a sign for a nearby trail and decided at the last minute that they would go through the forest. The Christian Singles were so involved in their own hikes that they lost track of Jaryd, and he wandered away from the group. Two hikers in the area saw him walking alone but assumed his parents must be nearby. After this, he was never seen again.
In 2003, two hikers climbed up a very steep rock face roughly 550 feet above the trail. They found one child’s tooth, a piece of skull, and Jaryd’s clothes, which were fully intact. His pants were found in good condition with only rodent and bird marks from the animals using them for nesting material.

The clothing was tested by the CBI. No mountain lion hairs, no blood, nothing on any of the articles of clothing.
If a mountain lion would have attacked him they would have gone for the stomach area – his jacket would have been in threads – but his jacket was fine (this was told to him by several mountain lion experts). His jacket would not have survived a mountain lion attack. His shoes that were found up on the mountain – as told by investigators, do not look like they were in the wilderness 3 & ½ years.
The other thing interesting about the shoes is you would think they would be scuffed up if he had been dragged up the side of the mountain.
Some feel the lack of blood on the clothing indicates either he or something removed his clothing before he was attacked.
If something took his clothing off before he was attacked – why was it found 500 feet up the mountain? Mountain lion experts have said mountain lions don’t pull clothing off of you, especially your pants and leave them there on the mountain inside out.
The area where his remains were found was far too difficult for a child to climb to himself, and it would have been an unnecessarily difficult location for an adult kidnapper to carry him. It also doesn’t line up with a bear or cougar attack pattern, because the clothes would have been ripped and covered in blood.
Jaryd’s father was bothered by the fact that the shoes did not look like they had been exposed to the elements for the past four years as they still maintained their bright colors. This only added to other concerns he already had in his brain. He was also bothered by the fact that the shoes bore no scuff marks that would indicate that they had been dragged through the rocks and dirt, and the shoes had no mold or water marks despite being in harsh weather for several years. Jaryd also made a habit of never tying his shoes, so the fact that both shoes remained together and not lost during what was thought to be an animal attack didn’t sit right with Mr. Atadero.
1. https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/08/the-mysterious-vanishing-and-death-of-dr-james-mcgrogan/
2. https://www.toptenz.net/10-unsolved-missing-411-cases.php
Numerous books and videos have been produced on these cases including the “Missing 411” by Paulides.
* * *
There are countless other cases like these exhibiting high strangeness. Were ETs involved? I wouldn’t rule it out.
Let’s look at remote viewings for the tragic case of Jaryd. Eight remote viewers were tasked with this project. Their conclusion was an advanced aerial craft was involved.
Sketches produced by the remote viewers, many depicting a circular shaped aerial object:

The whole remote view project is in the link below:
Todd Sees
8/4/2002. Todd Sees, the victim, lived at the foot of Montour Ridge, a mountain stretching over 20 miles east. One day he went up the mountain to look for preseason deer. He told his wife that he would be home by noon. He rode his 4-wheeler up the powerline behind his home at a little after 5:00 in the morning.

Noon came and no Todd, his wife and children became concerned. At 2:00PM a search party was organized. Local police, state police , paramedics, and 200 volunteers helped search for Todd. The four wheeler was found on the top of the mountain near a power line, tracking dogs could find nothing to go on around the four wheeler. One of Todd’s boots was found 78ft up a tree a mile from his vehicle.
The search went on for two days over six miles of mountain were covered from top to bottom. The four wheeler was 2 miles from his home at the foot of the mountain. A pond a few hundred yards from the house was even searched by skin divers just so they overlooked nothing. Dogs were over the whole area constantly, no results, no trace. Then in the evening of the 2nd day something white was spotted in a large brushy area 22.5 yards from his house, police and rescue workers spent 20 minutes cutting and hacking, brush and small trees so they could reach what looked like a body. It was Todd Sees, he was wearing his cut off shorts,t-shirt and socks When he went up the mountain he was fully dressed: boots, a one pieice camo suit, hat, socks and cut off jeans. The body was in an advanced state of decomposition which was unusual for the time period he had been missing.
The case was handled by Pennsylvania State Police. A UFO report went in that day :2 fisherman and 1 farmer said they saw a large round bright object, just above the power lines, with a guy in his underwear being pulled up into the craft.
In an interview in 2016 researcher Butch Witkowski had noticed that Todd’s social security death index had been pretty much wiped clean leaving only his birth and death date. Butch had filed several FOIA requests with the State Police but the response was nothing can be revealed as the case is still open. Butch points out the official cause of death was cocaine overdose therefore the case should be classed as closed.
Butch Witkowski
Zigmund Adamski

Zigmund Adamski , a 56 year old miner, went missing from his home in Tingley, Yorkshire in June 1980. He had gone out to get some shopping. But he never returned home. Some five days after he was last seen, Zigmund’s body was found at a coal yard in Todmorden. This was 20 miles from his home. His body was found by coal yard worker Trevor Parker.
Zigmund’s body was found on the top of a 10ft+ pile of coal although it could be seen from a nearby railway line. His watch and wallet had gone. He only had one day’s worth of beard growth yet he had been missing for 5 days. Trevor called the Police and PC Alan Godfrey responded and made his way up the coal tip and was confronted by a deceased male in his fifties with an expression on his face of fear and pain. The eyes were open and staring into the sky, his mouth slightly open so you could see his teeth. The man’s arms were resting on his stomach area but not folded as though he was just taking a Sunday nap. The man had a jacket on but no shirt just a white string vest. There was no coal dust on the man at all, it was like the body had been placed there. When the Dr arrived to declare death even he stated the victim looked like he had been scared to death.
Mysterious burns were also found on his back, neck and shoulders and the coroner found traces of an ointment that appeared to have been used on Adamski. Forensic tests could not identify the substance and theories of alien abduction were banded about. The Coroner recorded an open verdict, ruling that Adamski had died of a heart attack.

Bizarrely the police officer, PC Alan Godfrey, who discovered Adamski’s body was to also see a bright, fuzzy, oval-shaped UFO at 5 am on 28th November 1980 whilst searching for some cows reported missing. The cattle were later discovered in a rain-soaked field without any hint of tracks showing how they had arrived there. Meanwhile, Godfrey had decided to call his search off and began to head back to the station. He could see lights ahead and assumed he was approaching a works bus that made a regular early morning journey and he had seen before. However, as he drove closer he realized he was not looking at a bus. There was an oval shaped object in front of him which appeared to be rotating at a very low altitude. The foliage close by could be seen being disturbed as if there was a strong wind blowing. He stopped to make notes and took out a pad he kept in the patrol car. There was a flash of light and the next thing he remembers is driving along the same road further on his journey.
On his return to the police station he did not mention anything about his unusual experience. However he noticed that he could not account for about 15 minutes or so of his journey. However another report from Halifax of two police officers seeing a glowing object not long before Godfrey’s sighting encouraged him to file a report.
The report appeared in a local paper and Godfrey was tracked down by a UFO group in the North of England. Godfrey’s memory was however hazy of what happened. He recalls that it was a rainy night but the road underneath where the object was seen was completely dry. His police issue footwear also showed signs of damage to the soles.

He agreed to undergo hypnotic regression which revealed a very strange tale. The session revealed he had been taken to a strange room, like the living room of a house, complete with a black dog. He was studied by a heavily bearded man dressed in biblical style clothing who telepathically conveyed that his name was “Yosef” or “Josef”. Assisting Yosef were several small robot-like creatures that maybe resembled Grey aliens in some details but differed in others. His hypnotic memories were also more like dream sequences than the common intrusive abduction tales that have permeated since the late 1970s.
Godfrey was confused even more by his hypnosis sessions and had no idea what to make of it all. He believed his sighting was real but was unsure whether the hypnosis session had added anything to help his case as it all seemed too bizarre for a straightforward Yorkshireman to entertain.
Unfortunately, the mainstream media began to enquire about his experience and he was forced to appear before his superiors and undergo tests to confirm his mental stability. This is something that is symptomatic of the whole UFO phenomenon. Back in the 1980s you could easily put your career at risk by speaking about the UFO subject if you were in the police service or armed forces. Godfrey was confirmed as fit for duty but retired a few years later from an injury picked up in a totally unrelated case. As I understand it police records relating to the Adamski case have not been released under the 30 year rule.
David Paulides (mentioned in the missing people section) has found parallels with another case:
As well as people disappearing on the ground there are also cases of pilots and their craft disappearing:
The Perplexing Case Of N3808H In 1980
At 6:10 P.M. on June 28, 1980, Jose Maldonado Torres and his friend, Jose Pagan Santos, took off from Los Americas International Airport in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in an Ercoupe aircraft marked N3808H. The Ercoupe was owned by Santos’ father Jose Pagan Jimenez, an Aero Police Officer for Puerto Rico. They were bound for home in Puerto Rico.
At 8:03 P.M. the Las Mesas site and several aircraft picked up radio transmissions from N3808H:
“Mayday, Mayday, Ercoup ochero cero, eight, zero, zero, Hotel. We can see a strange object in our course, we are lost, Mayday, Mayday.”
An Iberia Airlines Flight IB-976 en route from Santo Domingo to Spain responded to the Mayday and received a reply:
“Ah we are going from Santo Domingo to ah San Juan International but we found ah a weird object in our course that made us change course about three different times we got it right in front of us now at one o’clock, our heading is zero seven zero degrees… our altitude one thousand six hundred a zero seven zero degrees… our VORs got lost off frequency…”
Iberia Flight IB-976 then relayed a message asking from San Juan Center asking N3808H to turn on their transponder. N3808H replied that the Ercoup was not equipped with a transponder. At 8:06 Iberia IB-976 asked for their call sign and estimated position and received this reply:
“Right now we are supposed to be at about thirty-five miles from the coast of Puerto Rico but we have something weird in front of us that make us lose course all the time I changed our course a second (unintelligible) our present heading right now is three hundred we are right again in the same stuff, sir.”
They were not heard from again. At 8:12, the Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range verified the last radar position of N3808H as thirty-five miles West of Puerto Rico.
A search that included Santos’ father was then mounted which centered on this last radar position. It was discontinued after two days when no trace had been found. No trace was ever found.
At 6:10 P.M. on June 28, 1980, Jose Maldonado Torres and his friend, Jose Pagan Santos, took off from Los Americas International Airport in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in an Ercoupe aircraft marked N3808H. The Ercoupe was owned by Santos’ father Jose Pagan Jimenez, an Aero Police Officer for Puerto Rico. They were bound for home in Puerto Rico.
At 8:03 P.M. the Las Mesas site and several aircraft picked up radio transmissions from N3808H:
“Mayday, Mayday, Ercoup ochero cero, eight, zero, zero, Hotel. We can see a strange object in our course, we are lost, Mayday, Mayday.”
An Iberia Airlines Flight IB-976 en route from Santo Domingo to Spain responded to the Mayday and received a reply:
“Ah we are going from Santo Domingo to ah San Juan International but we found ah a weird object in our course that made us change course about three different times we got it right in front of us now at one o’clock, our heading is zero seven zero degrees… our altitude one thousand six hundred a zero seven zero degrees… our VORs got lost off frequency…”
Iberia Flight IB-976 then relayed a message asking from San Juan Center asking N3808H to turn on their transponder. N3808H replied that the Ercoup was not equipped with a transponder. At 8:06 Iberia IB-976 asked for their call sign and estimated position and received this reply:
“Right now we are supposed to be at about thirty-five miles from the coast of Puerto Rico but we have something weird in front of us that make us lose course all the time I changed our course a second (unintelligible) our present heading right now is three hundred we are right again in the same stuff, sir.”
They were not heard from again. At 8:12, the Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range verified the last radar position of N3808H as thirty-five miles West of Puerto Rico.
A search that included Santos’ father was then mounted which centered on this last radar position. It was discontinued after two days when no trace had been found. No trace was ever found.
Source: ufos.about.com/library/weekly/aa041502a.htm
Frederick Valentich 1978

The Frederick Valentich Incident is the most significant UFO sighting in Australia. This incident involves a young 20 year old pilot, Frederick Valentich, who filed a flight plan at Moorabin for a night flight to King Island where he was to pick up some friends and then fly back. King Island is in the Bass Strait between Australia and Tasmania (see map).

On October 21st 1978 at 1819hrs, Frederick Valentich took off in his single-engined Cessna 182 from Moorabin Airport, Melbourne, Australia. As he was flying along the Bass Strait at about 5000ft altitude he told Air Traffic Controllers in Melbourne that he could see a large aircraft below him and wanted to know if they were aware of any aircraft in the area. Melbourne ATC said there were no known aircraft in the area and asked if he could identify it. Frederick said he couldn’t identify it but it had four bright lights. The UFO then passed over him and appeared to be playing some sort of game with him. He said that the object was a long shape, very fast with a green light and sort of metallic, and that it was not an aircraft. The object was orbiting him and then just vanished. The UFO then reappeared approaching from the south-west. Fredrick reported that his engine was rough-idling and coughing. Melbourne ATC asked what his intentions were and he replied ‘ My intentions are – ah – to go to King Island – ah – Melbourne. That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and it’s not an aircraft.’
The last transmission from Frederick Valentich was at 1912hrs and an alert was immediately declared. When at 1933hrs it was evident that the Cessna 182 (Delta Sierra Juliet) had not arrived at King Island a full scale Search and rescue operation was launched. After five days of searching no sign of the pilot or aircraft was found despite the fact that the Cessna was equipped with a radio survival beacon.
The weather at the time of this incident was clear with a trace of Stratocumulus cloud at 5000-7000ft, excellent visibility with light winds. The aircraft was fully refuelled with approximately 5hrs of flying time and was equipped with 4 life jackets. There had also been many UFO sightings from people before and after this incident. Whatever the truth may be, the fact remains that Frederick Valentich vanished in mysterious circumstances, possibly UFO related, and that the mystery lingers to this day.
Transcript between Melbourne ATC & Frederick Valentich (Delta Sierra Juliet)1906:14 DSJ Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet. Is there any known traffic below five thousand? FS Delta Sierra Juliet, no known traffic. DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, I am, seems to be a large aircraft below five thousand. 1906:44 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, What type of aircraft is it? DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, I cannot affirm, it is four bright, it seems to me like landing lights. 1907 FS Delta Sierra Juliet. 1907:31 DSJ Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet, the aircraft has just passed over me at least a thousand feet above. FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, and it is a large aircraft, confirmed? DSJ Er-unknown, due to the speed it’s travelling, is there any air force aircraft in the vicinity? FS Delta Sierra Juliet, no known aircraft in the vicinity. 1908:18 DSJ Melbourne, it’s approaching now from due east towards me. FS Delta Sierra Juliet. 1908:41 DSJ (open microphone for two seconds.) 1908:48 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, it seems to me that he’s playing some sort of game, he’s flying over me two, three times at speeds I could not identify. 1909 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what is your actual level? DSJ My level is four and a half thousand, four five zero zero. FS Delta Sierra Juliet, and you confirm you cannot identify the aircraft? DSJ Affirmative. FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, stand by. 1909:27 DSJ Melbourne, Delta Sierra Juliet, it’s not an aircraft it is (open microphone for two seconds). 1909:42 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, can you describe the -er- aircraft? DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, as it’s flying past it’s a long shape (open microphone for three seconds) cannot identify more than it has such speed (open microphone for three seconds). It’s before me right now Melbourne. 1910 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger and how large would the – er – object be? 1910:19 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne, it seems like it’s stationary. What I’m doing right now is orbiting and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also. It’s got a green light and sort of metallic like, it’s all shiny on the outside. FS Delta Sierra Juliet 1910:46 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet (open microphone for three seconds) It’s just vanished. FS Delta Sierra Juliet 1911 DSJ Melbourne, would you know what kind of aircraft I’ve got? Is it a military aircraft? FS Delta Sierra Juliet, Confirm the – er ~ aircraft just vanished. DSJ Say again. FS Delta Sierra Juliet, is the aircraft still with you? DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet; it’s (open microphone for two seconds) now approaching from the south-west. FS Delta Sierra Juliet 1911:50 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, the engine is rough-idling. I’ve got it set at twenty three twenty-four and the thing is coughing. FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what are your intentions? DSJ My intentions are – ah – to go to King Island – ah – Melbourne. That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and it’s not an aircraft. FS Delta Sierra Juliet. 1912:28 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet. Melbourne (open microphone for seventeen seconds). |
Below is a remote view session on the case :