Human Mutilations
Human Mutilation is arguably the most controversial aspect of the UFO phenomenon. Very few cases exist in the public domain. This is one area that the New Age/ CE5 /Love and light brigade ignores as it doesn’t fit into their narrative.
As you can imagine cases such as these will be kept under a tight lid,where possible by the authorities. I’ve listed what I have come across in chronological order.
FAQ: Why do mutilations occur?
Warning, Graphic Pictures – Do Not Scroll Down If Unsure
1. Sgt. Jonathan P. Lovette 1956

Air Force sergeant Jonathan P. Lovette, was assisting Major William Cunningham in the White Sands missile testing grounds near Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. While searching for scattered debris from a recent rocket test, Cunningham was shocked when he heard a loud scream. Thinking Lovette had perhaps been bitten by a snake, English recounts Cunningham crossed the dune to aid his partner when he purportedly witnessed one of the more bizarre human-extraterrestrial encounters.
Instead of finding Lovette nursing a snake bite, Cunningham, according to English, recounted seeing the soldier being dragged by a long serpentine arm, wrapped around his legs, connected to a silver disk hovering in the air 15 to 20 feet away. Cunningham watched, frozen in horror, as Lovette was pulled inside the craft, which then rose vertically into the sky. The major then stumbled toward his jeep and radioed for assistance.
Security teams arrived and the disturbed Cunningham was confined to the base hospital for observation and treatment after retelling what he believed he witnessed. According to Joseph’s Military Encounters book, base personnel did confirm an unidentified radar contact near Holloman at the time Lovette vanished. The base dispatched search parties into the desert, but it would be three days before Lovette’s nude corpse was discovered—some 10 miles from the site of the alleged abduction. From all indications, the body had been exposed to the elements for 24 to 48 hours. According to English, the report offered no explanation of what might account for the missing third day, and the autopsy performed on Lovette raised more questions than delivered answers.
First question was: Why had Lovette’s corpse been so severely mutilated? His tongue had been cut from the lower portion of the jaw, his eyes gouged out and his anus removed. In the Air Force medical examination report pertaining to the incident, English alleges that the coroner remarked on the apparent surgical skill used to remove the organs—in particular, that the anus and genitalia had been neatly extracted like a plug. Perhaps most puzzling was the fact that the body had been completely drained of blood, but surprisingly, there was no vascular collapse usually associated with death by bleeding.
Source: Tony Dodd (1999) Alien Investigator
2. The Dyatlov Pass Incident 1959
The Dyatlov Pass Incident wan event in which nine Russian hikers died in the northern Ural mountains between 1st and 2nd February 1959, in uncertain circumstances. The experienced trekking group from the Ural Polytechnical Institute, led by Igor Dyatlov, had established a camp on the eastern slopes of Kholat Syakhl. During the night, something caused them to cut their way out of their tent and flee the campsite while inadequately dressed for the heavy snowfall and subzero temperatures.

After the group’s bodies were discovered, an investigation by Soviet authorities determined that six had died from hypothermia while the other three had been killed by physical trauma. One victim had major skull damage, two had severe chest trauma, and another had a small crack in the skull. Four of the bodies were found lying in running water in a creek, and three of these had soft tissue damage of the head and face – two of the bodies were missing their eyes, one was missing its tongue, and one was missing its eyebrows. The investigation concluded that a “compelling natural force” had caused the deaths. Both Ludmila Dubinina and Krivonischenko had radiation present on them. They had broken ribs but no soft tissue chest damage indicative of a shock wave type event. Numerous theories have been put forward to account for the unexplained deaths, including animal attacks, hypothermia, avalanche, katabatic winds, infrasound-induced panic, military involvement, or some combination of these.
Here are some screen grabs from the excellent website.

Above : Semyon Zolotaryov Injury report

Another group of hikers 31 miles south of the incident reported that they saw strange orange spheres in the sky to the north on the night of the incident. Similar spheres were observed in Ivdel and adjacent areas continually during the period from February to March 1959, by various independent witnesses (including the meteorology service and the military). These sightings were not noted in the 1959 investigation, and the various witnesses came forward years later. As time has passed numerous video documentaries and websites have been produced on the incident. Looking at the case through the eyes of UFO incidents , I suspect we have an early example here of what has unfortunately occurred since – Human Mutilation by UFO.

Here is a remote view on the case from the Farsight Institute , (go to 29m, 32secs) 3 blind RV sessions were conducted, all revealing an object in the sky. The third RV’er describes the object emanating a ray of blue light “a never before seen type of light” which killed the group. This suggests an exotic technology rather than conventional.
3. Vietnam War 1972
Leonard H. Stringfield had been interested in investigating reports of UFO activity since he had his own close encounter on August 28, 1945, while he was attached to the Fifth Air Force in the Second World War. In 1989 he received an astonishing report of a UFO encounter by a “wholly reliable individual”; who had been a high-ranking officer in the US military in the Vietnam War.
It allegedly took place in April of 1972 and involved a group of special-ops US soldiers moving through the Cambodian jungle towards the Vietnamese border in order to track down what they thought was an enemy outpost intercepting classified military signals. However, they were caught off-guard by the shocking sight of a circular object made of some highly reflective material. The body of the bizarre object was so reflective that it effectively worked as a mirror. It was sat on the floor of the clearing in front of them using tripod-like landing gear and was described as having a diameter of roughly 50ft.
A deep humming noise emanated from the landed craft.There were several humanoid figures milling around the object, which were described as having large, hairless heads and wraparound eyes of a deep black colouration. They were engaged in the grotesque activity of systematically loading various human body-parts and naked corpses into what were described as large, metallic bin-like structures before sealing them tight.
The bodies seemed to have been from both sides of the conflict, with Stringfield’s anonymous informant saying that they were “a mixture of what were considered to be Vietnamese and white and black American troops”. The men’s military training came in seriously handy in this truly abhorrent situation, seeing as they instinctively moved behind some nearby foliage for cover and quickly opened fire on the alien entities. A firefight between the aliens and soldiers ensued.
Reeling from otherwordly trauma, the terrified team quickly radioed their camp and explained what had just happened. The members of the team who had come away from the bizarre event without any injuries were quickly flown to a military base in South Vietnam. It was here that they were interrogated by a group of highly suspicious characters who seemed to be intelligence personnel of some kind, and warned of the potentially deadly consequences that they would face if they ever went public with their experiences. According to Stringfield’s informant, some of the men were subjected to “deep hypnosis”; for the purpose of creating false memories to bury their real recollections of the confrontation. Although this story may seem extremely sensational, Leonard Stringfield stood by its authenticity until he passed away in 1994. *Researcher Bill English thinks this case was made up by Bill Cooper* see interview below
Source: Nick Redfern (2014) Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind
There is another Vietnam case related by Bill English. The crewman of a B52 were found with mutilation injuries still strapped to their seats. Photos were taken at the scene. Bizarrely, Bill said he saw the same photographs when he was stationed at RAF Chicksands several years later in a thick volume on UFOs/ETs called Grudge/Bluebook 13.
4. Idaho 1979
Don Ecker heard of a possible human mutilation case from MUFON state director Don Mason. According to the report, in 1979 two hunters in the Bliss and Jerome area of Idaho stumbled across the nude body of a man. The body was in the middle of nowhere, nude except for a pair of underpants, his sexual organs had been removed, his lips sliced off, and several other classic mutilation cuts. Although he was in a very rugged country, his bare feet were not marked as if he had walked in that terrain, but yet no other tracks, animal or human were evident anywhere. After the police were notified, an intensive search was mounted, and miles away, the man’s possessions were recovered, yet no one yet knows how the body ended up where it was found, or even more importantly, what happened to him. It should be noted that this area also had over the years, many unexplained UFO reports and cattle mutilations.
Source: Don Ecker, The Human Mutilation Factor (link)
5. Guarapiranga Reservoir, Brazil 1988
The body of a male was found at the Guarapiranga Reservoir in Brazil. According to reports, the victim had been dead for 48 to 72 hours, but there was no sign of decomposition. The eyes, ears, tongue and genitalia had been removed, as had the digestive organs. Although it was determined that the person had been dead for several days, there was no smell when it should have been present with the stench of decay.
Encarnacion Garcia learned from her friend, Dr Rubens Goes, that he was in possession of some rather “odd” photos which had been given to him by his cousin, police technician, Rubens Sergio. These were official photos of a body that had been found near Guarapiranga reservoir on the 29th of September, 1988, of an unnamed male who was, however, later identified.
The autopsy report states: “There has been a removal of extensive tissue along with many parts of the face, head and neck of the victim… There has also been extraction of ocular tissue, eyes, auditive internal and external organs (ears) and entire parts of the head. The tongue and several muscles were also extracted.”
“The axillary regions on both sides showed soft spots where organs had been removed. Incisions were made on the face, internal thorax, abdomen, legs, arms, and chest.” As Garcia observed, the doctors stated that these wounds were quite uncommon.” The report also observes, “Shoulders and arms have perforations of 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter where tissue and muscles were extracted. The edges of the perforations were uniform and so was their size. The chest had shrunk due to the removal of internal organs.” It was as if whatever caused the wounds sucked the muscles through these holes. The holes were determined not to be bullet holes.

The lack of profuse bleeding suggests the use of a laser-like instrument producing acute heat, thus cauterizing almost immediately the edge of the wounds.
Detailed report
6. Brazil – no further information at present.

Above image was sent to me recently. One can see a lack of blood surrounding body. Lip removed, eyes removed. Holes in limbs similar to the previous Brazil case.
7. UK Human Mutilations 1990s
According to UK UFO researcher Tony Dodd, he came across several accounts of human mutilation in the UK.
He relates the story of seven people found dead over a period of several weeks in the same field in Dalby Forest, North Yorks. Classic mutilation involving the removal of tongues, eyes, bloodless and hairless. At the time the story started to leak out, a cover story (created by unknown persons) of mannequins being placed in the field was circulated to the press. Tony stated in these situations the bodies remain “missing” as potentially awkward questions would be asked about the cause of death by the families. Dodd goes on to relate in 1997 that one of his contacts witnessed the removal of a body with a hearse nearby and an official car with a blue light on the inside by the windscreen. Dodd feels it could have been a Ministry of Defense vehicle but there were no markings on it. One of Dodd’s friends was a friend of the Undertaker involved in these retrievals. He approached the Undertaker who flatly refused to talk about it. His friend lately approached another Undertaker from the area who said he is unable to talk about it due to the Official Secrets Act. The Undertaker said there have been more than seven retrievals, “seven is the tip of the iceberg…” Interestingly Dodd goes on to relate that in Feb 1997 in the same forest, the dead bodies of seven rabbits, one fox, one badger, one sheep and one deer were discovered in an area no bigger than the average family sitting room. They each had a hole in their head, their rectum cored and square patches of their skin neatly removed.

The second case involved an 8 year old girl in Staffordshire.
The third case involved two individuals found on Talybont Mountain in the Brecon Beacons. In August 1990 an SUV car was found with the engine running and the seats were missing. 2 weeks later, 3km from the car a male and female body were found laid out side by side. No blood, no genitals, teeth, ears, lips, eyes. The male was skinless. Breasts removed on the female.

UFO Researchers Richard Hall and Derek Gough have both met up with an unidentified former Army man Mr X who claimed to be part of a crack US-led NATO team called Group 58 Security whose task was to search for any evidence and seal off areas where UFO activity had been monitored. He said incidents had occurred all over the world including Australia, Iceland, Scotland and Spain amongst others. He witnessed 30-40 mutilated human beings over the course of his post. The bodies recovered had the classic neat edge surgical precision. Once the area was sealed off the second team of US scientists would arrive to remove the material for analysis. The latter was nicknamed “The Collectors.” Individuals recovered would remain on missing person’s lists and details not given to local authorities indefinitely. Mr X handed 11 photos to Derek showing the mutilations of 2 individuals: a male and female. These photos were personally taken by himself. He said he once saw body parts inside a landed craft. He went onto say a number of colleagues have suffered radiation type injuries. He came across more female cases than male. Once “The Collectors” had collected the body it would be taken to a US base in North Scotland, the remains were placed in freezers and autopsies carried out. He said they often saw burn marks on the ground at sites, sometimes trees would be twisted almost in a full circle.
Derek later washed his hands of the photos and handed them to researcher Tony Dodd but Dodd never released them. He passed away in 2009… The story sounds fantastic but it is not beyond the realms of probability that there would be some sort of organised recovery group run by the US Government, especially if they have been aware of the phenomenon since at least the 1940s.
8. Brazil 2004
In the locality of Santa Isabel (SP) municipality of Greater São Paulo, near Guarulhos, on June 24, 1999, Mrs. Alzira Maria de Jesus was found dead in her bed, and around 8:00 am (Some versions say it was around 9:00 pm) in the morning her daughter-in-law, housewife Sônia Aparecida Da Rocha, 25 years old, was take coffee to the mother-in-law who was in the room, because due to her advanced age she needed special care and spent most of her days in bed.
When the daughter-in-law entered the room, she found her mother-in-law immobile in bed, called a few times and got no answer. Frightened, she left to call her husband, newsboy Manoel Edvaldo Da Silva, 39, the victim’s son. Upon returning home almost 40 minutes later Sônia sees Alzira’s body with her face completely disfigured and practically without flesh. (Another version says that it was the son who saw the disfigured mother). The skin, flesh, nose cartilage, tongue, eyes and left ear were surgically removed, leaving no trace of blood, even on the white pillow.

A police report was filed at the city police station under number 145/99 on the 24th of June.In necroscopic examination 473/99, by the Legal Medical Institute of Guarulhos, the two responsible coroners stated that bilateral pneumonia and septic shock killed the pensioner and that her face would have been gnawed by rodents.However, the medical version is contested by the police itself and by the parties involved in the case. “In the three years I’ve lived here, I’ve never seen a single mouse,” said Sonia. “I came to think of acid and even something from another world”, she commented.
The head delegate of Santa Isabel, (H)Welcias Nogueira Paranaguá Filho, 34 years old, ten years in the profession, thinks that the expertise version is practical and comfortable. “There was no trace, neither on the bed nor on the pillow. Furthermore, the white blouse she was wearing did not show any marks either. It is very strange, he said. “I rule out the hypothesis of murder. But not the supernatural.”The delegate also said he did not accept the version of the rodents. “Rat leaves marks. Her face looks like it was cut with the help of a scalpel.”And more, “How could the body still be warm when we arrived, if a few hours had passed since the pensioner was found dead?”, questioned the delegate who said he intended to take the investigations to the last consequences, even if he has to ask the opinion of specialists north – Americans.
Originally this case was published in the Revista da Rádio 89 FM of São Paulo (Soon after being replicated in Blogs), which despite being a music magazine, spoke of other topics such as behavior and had a column dedicated to the supernatural called “Arquivo Zé “.
Possible relationship with extraterrestrials?
At the time, some people claimed that the night before the events, balls of light were seen flying in this rural region and in the early hours of the morning, animals, such as dogs, geese, and others, began to make an intense noise, persisting throughout the night. But by the time Sônia left the house for the pay phone, everything was absolutely silent.Such reports made many enthusiasts of extraterrestrial phenomena claim that aliens would be related to the case.
To me it seems absurd that beings from other planets would come to our planet to mutilate an elderly woman who was already dead, or who would have been killed by aliens. But researchers of UFO phenomena correlate aliens to several cases of human and animal mutilation, and one of the most famous cases of the type that occurred here in Brazil was the Guarapiranga case (click HERE to read more about the case), which occurred on September 29 1988 in the south zone of São Paulo, where a corpse of a man was found with strange marks on the body, similar to marks found in animals supposedly attacked by aliens.
There have been several other “Face Peeler” or Pelacaras in Peru. On September 28, 2013, a faceless body was found in Lake Imiria, near Pucallpa in Peru. There were no signs of drowning, beating, animal attack or use of slashing weapons. Locals spoke of ships and the Pelacara (face peeler) phenomenon

And this footage below of another case was shot in Peru in 2023.

9. Imbituba, Brazil
22nd June 2009. 17 year old female Lisandra Hartz Bento was found dead with eyes,lips and tongue missing and extraction holes. Lack of blood surrounding body.

An anon researcher has kindly written an article comparing with an animal mutilation:
I created a side-by-side comparison of two recent animal and human mutilation cases to illustrate just how closely these two kinds of mutilations match before decomposition sets in.

The animal case is a young calf, only a few months old, discovered in the hills of Todmorden, U.K. by a hiker. Todmorden is the same town where, in November 1980, a missing 56-year-old mine worker named Zigmund Adamski was found dead on top of a coal pile with strange wounds on his body, but nothing to indicate how he had died. Alan Godfrey, the police constable who discovered Adamski’s body, claimed to have been stopped by a dazzlingly illuminated UFO in the middle of the road six months later, and experienced missing time. In two independent regressions by two separate psychologists, Godfrey recounted buried memories of being abducted and examined by beings that he said were not human.
The human case is Lisandra Hartz Bento, a 17-year-old resident of the port town of Imbituba, Brazil. Her body was discovered in waste land some distance from the BR-101 highway on June 23rd, 2009. A 37-year-old man believed to have been romantically involved with Lisandra was arrested and appeared in court, but no evidence was found linking him to the crime and he was released. It is still not clear who killed Lisandra, or why, or even how.

If we look closely at the images: The calf is missing the left side of its jaw, its left ear, its genitals and its anus. The edges of the cuts are perfectly smooth, suggesting surgical precision. Despite the deep cuts and removal of organs, there is very little blood on the ground and no blood on the animal’s fur. There is also no sign of insect activity on the body. This pattern has been seen in thousands of animal mutilation cases before and since, including such recent cases as the cattle mutilation wave in Oregon, U.S.A. in 2019. In Lisandra’s case, there is no blood on the ground around her body, no blood on her clothes, and very little blood around the wound – as if the body had been drained of blood before the wounds were made. Her eyes and lips have been completely removed, apparently with a great deal of care and surgical precision. There are deep, rounded punctures in her armpit and pelvic area. Some of the muscle appears to have been taken from her left biceps through one of these punctures, causing the upper arm to appear shrunken.
Lisandra’s is not the only such case to occur in Brazil. Less than 500 miles away and 21 years earlier, another human mutilation occurred. The pattern of missing eyes and jaw flesh, rounded puncture wounds, missing organs and near complete lack of blood seen on Lisandra is nearly identical to the infamous case of Joaquim Sebastio Goncalves, 53, who was discovered mutilated next to a reservoir in Guarapiranga, Sao Paulo, Brazil on September 29th, 1988. An analysis of this case and photos can be found here, but again please be aware that there are extremely graphic images.
10. Further Brazil cases
36 year old S.C.P., went missing on the night of 27th June 2019 in Pernambuco (Brazil). ‘S’s neighbours state that they saw 2 men leaving his home + driving off in his car.
The next day, the police were called to ‘S’s house, it had been trashed. Various items had been stolen and bloodstains were found on the floor.
On the morning of 29th June, ‘S’s body was found. He had been shot dead. His car was found the next morning.
‘S’ was a professor of Agroecology + a militant of the LGBT cause.
A prosaic explanation is provided but again, usual hallmarks: missing eyes, lips, suction marks and lack of blood around the body

9. Pre 1994 Possibly South America?
UFO researcher Karen Lyster recounts an experience back in New Zealand in 1994 :
Let me set the scene. Back in 1994 I was approached by a physician living here in New Zealand who wished to meet with me to get my opinion on something that had been disturbing him for some time now. He refused to tell me what the matter was about and kept insisting he needed to show me something. I have had my share of cranks over the years and I would have relegated this individual into that category if it weren’t for something in his voice and manner that conveyed the honest conviction of his request. I asked him to meet me at my home but he preferred not to, and instead chose a little cafe in the centre of town as our meeting place.
He did give me his name, and at that particular time he had retired from the medical profession.
I arrived at the cafe at 12.30 and since he had told me to go to the back, that is where I headed for. Being lunchtime the cafe was nearly full, and as I walked past the tables to the rear I saw a man who was sitting alone, facing my direction, get up and move towards me. He obviously knew who I was as there was no hesitation in his eye contact with me, nor his stride towards me. He introduced himself and gestured for me to join him at his table. There were only two seats at the table – one facing the wall and the other one facing opposite which meant I would have had my back to the wall. I began to take the seat nearest to me which meant that I would have been facing the wall – he quickly gestured that he didn’t want me sitting there and asked me to change seats. At that moment I didn’t understand why on earth he wanted that, but the look on his face told me he had a reason for asking this of me. Later of course I realised that by sitting with my back to the wall, with no one behind me, gave me the opportunity to view what he had brought to show me without the risk of others being able to see what I was looking at.
After we were both seated, he thanked me for meeting with him.
He then proceeded to tell me how he had recently come back from a trip to the United States where during that time he had stayed with another physician friend of his who worked for the US Military. They had been friends and colleagues for a number of years. He proceeded to tell me that during the visit his friend had seemed extremely agitated and wasn’t his normal self at all… something weighted heavily on this mans mind. Three days into this stay they were having dinner and his friend had been drinking heavily which was something strange in itself, as he had not seen his friend ever take more than a glass or two of wine in the entire time they had known each other.
As the evening progressed, his friend had started discussing how he had recently seen something very disturbing to him and needed to share this with him. He said he had been working late one night at the base where he was stationed when he was told there had been an accident and they were bringing in a body to which he was to do a preliminary examination of.
He then proceeded to detail the nights events and how the body was brought in with horrific injuries the likes he had never seen before in all the years of his medical career. He said the body had been mutilitated… an eye was missing, an ear. Photos had been taken of the victim as he had been found and these photos accompanied the body. Two of these photos the physician had managed to secure for himself.
It was these two photos that he brought out to show his friend, and it was same photos that were now in the possession of the Physician who sat opposite me in the cafe during that busy bustling lunchtime.
He told me that his friend had asked him to “hold onto” the photos in case anything happened to him, as he just didn’t feel safe anymore and besides he hated having them around.
I had listened to what was being told me with very little interruption until he had mentioned that the photos were now in his possession. I asked him whether he had them on him and he nodded in the affirmative.
Now I have seen alleged human mutilation photos before – once by a colleague who had shown me two photos of a naked mans body with the classic signs that accompany the cattle mutilations that I am very familiar with. I have also seen a photo in one of the UFO magazines.
I now realised why I had been asked to sit with my back to the wall. This way I could view them without anyone else seeing what I was looking at.
Before he handed me the photos, he asked me if I had studied many cases of cattle mutilation, and if I could possibly tell the difference from an ordinary wound and one that had the traits of being a mutilation. I explained to him that nothing was a certainty in this field, but I had seen 100’s of cases and read all the reports, including the autopsy notes so was very familiar with the wounds sustained in a alleged “mute” case.
He seemed satisfied with the answer and so brought out the photos from his breast pocket and handed them to me in a white envelope.
Now – since I was unable to keep the photos or make detailed notes of them at the time of viewing, the following account of what was in the photos is from the mental note I made of them trying to remember as much detail as I possibly could.
There were two photos. The first was the full frontal of a white male and the second photo was the same male that had been turned on his stomach, so this was the other side of the victim.
The photos had been taken at in a field of lush green pasture. It was difficult to determine how old he was as the face had been so disfigured, that age could not be determined that way.. however the physical appearance of the body was in quite good shape, so I estimate that he was between the age of 20-35.
His facial injuries were almost exactly what I had seen time and time again in the cattle mutilation cases. His left eye had been surgically removed, including the eyelid, his lips had been removed in a very clean and precise cut, so had his left ear, and the left hand side of his jaw had been removed, taking part of the jaw bone and teeth with it. The incision along the jaw line had extended past the removed segment of jaw bone to include a further strip of tissue that stopped about 2 1/2 inches from the base of the chin. I could see no blood at all. No blood around the wounds, no blood on the ground, no blood anywhere.
Next I looked at the torso and saw two very clean cookie cutter pieces that had been removed from the chest area – these would have measured approx 2 inches in diameter. Again no blood could be seen around the wound area. I have often wondered about the lack of blood in the animal cases that I have seen pictures of… I wondered if there was blood but that it was just harder to see due to the sometimes matted, dirty hide/hair of the animal. In this case however, with the victim being human, if there had been spillage of blood, there certainly was no trace of it from what I could see… it had either been cleaned away or wasn’t there in the first place.
I moved down the photo to the genital area. The sexual organs had been completely removed. Again no blood was visible.
There appeared to be no injuries to the legs that I could see, so I went onto the second photograph.
The only injury on the second photo was that the entire rectum had been completed cored out which left a very large cavity. This was a very familiar sight – as most cattle mutilations have exactly the same thing. If you haven’t seen this before – then it’s much like taking and apple and using a corer to remove the inside core/pips. You are left with an extremely clean, incision and the core has been “plugged” right out.
I remember sitting there and saying in a very low murmur... “god I hope this poor bastard was dead before they did this”…
Of course that is the bottom line here… just who are “they”…
After I had looked at the pictures for quite some time I looked up at the physician opposite me and I could see from the look on his face, that he had become rather resigned… I suppose he was hoping I would tell him that these photos bore no resemblance whatsoever to the cattle mutilations…. Unfortunately I couldn’t do that, as what I was looking at resembled 100% of what I’d seen with the animal mute cases.
We sat there and discussed things for quite some time. He didn’t seem all that interested in telling much more about his friend to whom the photos actually belonged to. It seemed to me that something in him had crossed over to the darker side of human existence… the side that knows something they wish to hell they didn’t. I felt sad for him… I know that feeling well. We said out goodbyes and I haven’t seen or heard from him since.
I was fortunate to speak to Karen recently regarding this case she says “He wouldn’t tell me where they were taken, but from the Uniforms(assuming a security/police force), they didn’t look like they were USA. Somewhere like South America is all I can really say.“

10. Beni Mazar, Egypt. Dec 29 2005
I am including this case in the list as it exhibits high strangeness.Ten people, including several infants, were found mutilated and killed in the village of Shams El-Din in Upper Egypt on December 29 2005. The victims were found with body parts and genitalia missing. Their stomachs and throats had been slashed. The victims were from three families: six adults, three males and three females and four children, the eldest was 11 years old. When they were discovered, the victims were in a stage of recent rigor mortis, the faded blood splatter patterns indicated that they had bled to death. Some of the adults had defense cuts on their hands. The bodies had cuts on their heads and throats and the stomachs had been slashed. In the case of the males, both the adults and the children had had their genitalia removed. The women had their stomachs slashed open all the way back to the top of the rectum.
Police had charged that Abdel-Latif was mentally disturbed and had claimed responsibility for the killings. Cairo s Abbasiyya mental hospital, however, reported that Abdel-Latif was mentally healthy.
The following day, the Forensics expert, Colonel Hassan Anwar testified that there had been no biological or physical evidence, since it was almost impossible to get fingerprints off the type of bricks and doors used in country houses. The lawyer for the defense refuted this, asked why a fingerprint expert hadn’t accompanied the police to the scene of the crime and asked if they really thought that it would be possible for someone to clamber across the roofs of the neighboring houses without attracting attention or setting off the guard dogs, a fixture of villages.
The Head Coroner, Dr. Fouda said that the entire village had known that Abdel-Latif had mental problems – he had been undergoing treatment. However, the defendant’s lawyer, Talaat El-Sadat pointed out that there was no evidence against the defendant – the witnesses had given contradictory statements and all of the evidence was circumstantial – much had been made of the defendant’s mental history, he had no motive or indeed means of committing the crimes. He also questioned how anyone with diminished mental capacity would conceal weapons but not make any other attempts at concealing a crime, or escaping.
Abdel was later acquitted. The culprit has never been found.
11. 26th July 2016 Dingli Cliffs, Malta

Mike Mansholt’s body had been found at the bottom of a cliff on July 26, 2016. The Maltese magisterial inquiry into the incident had concluded that Mike, 17, died of natural causes and the police consider the case closed, a police spokesperson confirmed.
On July 8, 2016, Mike visited Malta on vacation. He was alone and was staying in a hotel in Sliema. While in Malta, he met his girlfriend who left the island before him.
The last trace of Mike was a voice message he sent to his father, on July 18, in which he spoke about enjoying the challenge of cycling in Malta. The following day he did not return the rented mountain bike. On July 22, he failed to land at Bremen Airport as expected. The family flew to Malta to join a nationwide search for the teen.
On July 26 at about 10am a police search party found Mike’s body about 10 storeys below street level near the Magdalene Chapel in Dingli.
Mike was lying in a rock depression. His bike hung a few feet up in a bush, his sunglasses and sports shoes were a little farther down. It was established that the damage to the bicycle was not compatible with a fall from a height. Mike’s bike was barely damaged. It only had a flat tire and a few scratches on the frame. Mike’s father had flown over for the search. Once the body was found he was able to take a look, Bernd Mansholt himself recalls black holes in the neck and left side of the dead man’s face. A post-mortem carried out in Malta concluded that Mike had been dead for between seven and eight days. The cause of death, however, was never established.
Questions started emerging when his body was eventually sent back home to Germany, a month later. Both the Maltese and German post-mortem concluded that the teenager had no broken bones, all but excluding the possibility of a fall.
In addition , the Medical University of Hanover uncovered that Mike’s body was devoid of the heart, brain, neck organs, lungs, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, the right kidney, the bladder, the stomach and the small intestine. The only organs found were his left kidney, diaphragm, spleen and large intestine, they said.
This added to the mystery of the circumstances in which Mike’s body was found – Mike had no broken bones and his belongings, including his backpack – which, according to relatives, included his phone and a GoPro sports camera – were never found.
The family questioned this. The medico-legal expert appointed by the Maltese courts, Mario Scerri, told the father his son’s organs had been attacked by rodents and the brain had liquefied.
However, the German post-mortem found nothing of the sort. There was no evidence of rodent bites, except for a bite on the neck and an abrasion on the forearm. Neither was there any evidence that the corpse had been invaded by rodents or animals. The German autopsy could not conclude on the cause not death since too many organs were missing.
12. Misc cases
Below : 17th February 2020. 17 year old female, Fortaleza Brazil. Notice lack of blood around her body.

Above: Corpse exhibiting multiple indicators of cattle mutilations.
1. Incisions are noted in the ocular region.
2. Presence of missing ocular organs, with the eye socket exposed and cuts on the lips.
3. Injuries of a circular nature.
4. A recurrent feature that has been identified in this type of acts perpetrated by non-human entities is the position of the victims’ upper extremities, which are elevated, accompanied by the same upper garment, giving the impression of intentional exposure of the thoracic area.
5. It should be noted that the language used in the visual material corresponds to Portuguese, although additional information is lacking at this time. (This information will be expanded as additional data is obtained).
Above: Nov 16th 2017. Brazil. Apparently killed by her boyfriend and bitten by scavengers and insects after death.
I don’t intend adding anymore images to this page but there is a Telegram group you can join if you are interested:

Below is Richard D Hall’s excellent video series on Human Mutilations: