About Bad Aliens

I have been into the subject of UFOs since a child. The subject has pushed me and pulled me over the years. I can’t quite recall what sparked my interest but it may have been seeing Close Encounters of the Third Kind at the cinemas when I was nine. I went to my first UFO conference in 1992. I will always remember that day. For the first time, I was surrounded by like minded people in this field.

Who controls/pilots UFOs?

For me, they are Extraterrestrial. I know there is fevered debate amongst some as to whether there are alternative explanations such as time travelers or interdimensional beings. They don’t look like us, behave like us, possess advanced technology, and appear at times to exhibit mental powers including telepathy. I don’t know what more observables you would require for them to be ET.

In the late 1990s, I became interested in the evidence of ETs throughout history particularly their depiction in ancient art. This culminated in me having a book published in 2003, The Alien Chronicles. I dropped out of the subject around 2005 and it was only about 2018 that I was drawn back into it. It’s been an exciting time of late with pieces of footage being released and the UAPTF report.

As exciting as videos and photos are, the continual question for me has been: what are the occupants of the craft up to? What is their agenda? For the last few years, I have been trying to build up a picture of what the agenda may be.

The Alien Agenda

On that journey, I, and others have found a subset of disturbing phenomena associated with these visitors including cattle mutilations, human mutilations, missing people, attacks by UFOs and abductions.

In addition, these ETs appear to have conducted a campaign of psychological warfare, planting thoughts and ideas in the minds of individuals that meet their nefarious needs. In addition, a program of creating a hybrid race,  possibly to take over this planet in a gradual clandestine manner. I don’t know what the solution is but  I think if people were aware of their true intentions it may scupper their program.

Despite this portfolio of negative acts, there are still many in the subject that look at ET agenda with wishful thinking/rose-tinted spectacles. I think one has to exercise discernment. In my opinion, mankind’s folly is assuming because ETs have advanced tech and can traverse space they will be peaceful. I think the evidence on this site demonstrates the contrary. Many Podcasters are doing themselves and their listeners a disservice by ignoring the content of this site. When was the last time for example you heard a Podcaster interview someone about Human Mutilation cases? In addition many of the love and light CE5 brigade are preaching wholly incomplete and misleading narrative.

I don’t doubt there are peace-loving ETs out there. But my feeling is they are off-planet at the moment. We need to deal with these unwelcome Visitors ourselves. I believe in a higher power that flows through the Universe. We each contain part of that. Collectively humanity has great spiritual power. More than these nefarious Visitors would have you believe. That’s my opinion anyway.

I predict once disclosure occurs there may be a PR campaign by these ETs to win us over. People will marvel at their craft, they will fall into a passive state and want ET to govern. We need sovereignty over our planet.

I have split the site into distinct categories of negative phenomenon which are associated with UFOs.

Some of you will be familiar with this material, others not. I just felt the need to bring it together under one umbrella.

It’s deep stuff. A sense of humour helps. I think though we need to face facts and not bury our heads in the sand. Let’s say there was some sort of US Government disclosure, what if the ETs carried on being clandestine? What would you think then?

Just to clarify I’m not some “PsyOp False flag invasion enthusiast”. Why? Because I think they are already here. They won’t come with lasers and explosions. The invasion would be gradual and subliminal.

This isn’t really a website aimed at providing evidence of ET contact, it’s more for those who accept ETs are coming here but are unsure as to the reasons why or maybe haven’t given any thought as their agenda. 

Matt Hurley April 2021

Types of aliens commonly encountered.